I am Pashori Lal, a private investor and entrepreneur, helping successful business owners retire or scale up, focus & grow.
My team and I help Business Owners in their Exit Planning Process
& all activities required to position their business for maximum success.
We look for Established Businesses with £5m-£30m in revenue, a strong and functional management team in place, a steady sales pipeline and a clear connect to what their customers want and need.
We engage on a full range
of M & A activities,
as we buy companies ourselves, not
just source them for other
private investors.
We can help you to
Effectively Plan
for the Exit
You Want &
all activities
required to
position your
business for
maximum success.
There are a full set of activities that you have to structure, plan in and carry out, if you are to achieve the best outcome for your intended exit.
I have listed some questions below, for you to look at as part of this process.
There are many more - contact us if you would like an independent perspective on these.
1. How efficient are your processes?
2. What is your sales pipeline looking like?
3. What is your organisational climate like?
4. Are your employees satisfied?
5. Are your customers loyal and satisfied?
6. Do you get repeat custom (without asking for it)?
7. How strong is your brand?
8. Are you aware of your Brand Soul and Brand Vision?
9. Do you have a Management Team in place?
10. How open are you to help from an independent Non Executive Board Director?
We are Independent Private Investors with In Depth Experience and Expertise in
buying businesses and growing the value within the business for
customers, stakeholders and shareholders alike.
We take our time to understand the fundamentals of your business and how attractive
it is in terms of growth, value, customer base, existing process and
operational efficacy, market perception and financials.
Below is a typical process that we can follow jointly with you.
Video Description
Once our value creation objectives have been achieved at the end of the holding period, we aim to realise returns by selling our interest in the company or asset.
At this time we may offer this as a first opportunity to the management board if there is interest in a Leveraged Management Buy Out (LMBO) or Buy In (LMBI), and can help the management team through this process.
We are interested in building our portfolio of businesses across different industry sectors and will consider any business that meets the following criteria:
- has an established management team
- has a founder and owner that wishes to exit the business for all the right reasons
- does not have any hidden mines or bombshells
- has a developed sales pipeline
- has a turnover of over £5m and ideally, closer to £10m
- would benefit from an independent perspective and leadership or guidance within the Executive Leadership Team
Our Objectives
We will make an investment by buying the business, holding it for a period that typically lasts five to eight years.
Throughout this period, we jointly develop a strong alignment of interest between us as equity owners and the management team, as we ensure we are both focused on growth, sustainable value creation and stable ownership.
Sherborne House, Humber Avenue, Coventry, CV1 2AQ
9:00 - 18:00 I can be available after hours if the need is urgent enough
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